Scientific Classification Scientific Name: Pseudotropheus zebra (Albino variant) Common Names: Albino Red Top Zebra, Albino Zebra Cichlid Family: Cichlidae Origin: Native to Lake Malawi in East Africa. Physical Description Color: The Albino Red Top Zebra features a white or pale pink body with bright red...

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Overview Scientific Name: Poecilia reticulata Common Names: Albino Sky Blue Redtail Guppy, Albino Redtail Guppy Type: A color morph of the guppy, specifically bred for its albino pigmentation, sky blue body, and contrasting redtail. Guppies are well-known for their vibrant colors and active behavior, making...

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Overview Scientific Name: Corydoras sterbai (Albino variant) Common Names: Albino Sterbai Cory, Albino Sterbai Corydoras Family: Callichthyidae Origin: South America, particularly in rivers and streams in the upper Rio Guaporé in Brazil and Bolivia. The albino variant is a result of selective breeding. Physical Characteristics...

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Scientific Classification Scientific Name: Cyphotilapia frontosa Common Name: Albino Taiwan Reef, Taiwan Reef Cichlid Family: Cichlidae Origin: Native to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa. Physical Description Color: The Albino variant features a white to pale yellowish body with red or orange markings and a reddish...

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cientific Classification Scientific Name: Puntigrus tetrazona (previously classified as Barbus tetrazona) Common Names: Albino Tiger Barb, Albino Barb Family: Cyprinidae Origin: Southeast Asia, particularly in the rivers and streams of Indonesia and Malaysia. Physical Description Coloration: The Albino Tiger Barb features a striking pale pink...

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Overview Scientific Name: Astronotus ocellatus Common Names: Albino Tiger Oscar, Tiger Oscar, Albino Oscar Family: Cichlidae Origin: Native to freshwater environments in South America, particularly the Amazon River Basin, where they inhabit slow-moving rivers and floodplains. Physical Characteristics Size: Albino Tiger Oscars typically grow to...

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Scientific Classification Scientific Name: Labidochromis socolofi (Albino variant) Common Names: Albino White Socolofi, Albino Socolofi Cichlid Family: Cichlidae Origin: Native to Lake Malawi in East Africa. Physical Description Color: The Albino White Socolofi features a pale white or cream body with light blue or yellow...

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Overview: Amano shrimp, discovered by the famous aquascaper Takashi Amano, are widely known for their incredible algae-eating ability, making them a staple in aquascaped tanks. They are highly effective cleaners, working tirelessly to keep the tank free of unwanted algae growth. They are relatively easy...

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Overview Scientific Name: Poecilia reticulata Common Names: Assorted Female Fancy Guppies, Fancy Guppies Type: These guppies are selectively bred for their varied and often beautiful color patterns. While not as vibrantly colored as males, female fancy guppies still exhibit appealing hues and patterns, making them...

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Overview Scientific Name: Poecilia reticulata Common Names: Assorted Male Fancy Guppies, Fancy Guppies Type: These are selectively bred guppies known for their colorful and varied appearances, often displaying a range of bright colors and patterns. They are a favorite among aquarists for their beauty and...

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Overview Common Species: Poecilia sphenops (short-finned molly), Poecilia latipinna (sailfin molly), Poecilia velifera (giant sailfin molly). Varieties: These fish come in a range of colors and patterns, including black, dalmatian, gold dust, and balloon molly. Size Standard Mollies: Typically reach 3-4 inches in length. Jumbo...

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Appearance: Size: Atya gabonensis is one of the larger shrimp species, growing up to 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) in length when fully mature. Color: Their coloration can vary based on mood and environment. They may appear pale blue, light brown, reddish-brown, or even nearly white....

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Scientific Classification Scientific Name: Aulonocara nyassae Common Names: Blue Peacock Cichlid, Aulonocara Blue Peacock, Peacock Cichlid Family: Cichlidae Origin: Lake Malawi, East Africa Physical Description Color: The Blue Peacock Cichlid is famous for its electric blue coloration, particularly in males. Females tend to be more...

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Scientific Classification Scientific Name: Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Common Names: Freiberg’s Peacock Cichlid, Jacobfreibergi Peacock, Malawi Butterfly Peacock Family: Cichlidae Origin: Lake Malawi, East Africa Physical Description Color: Males display stunning coloration, often featuring metallic blue, orange, yellow, or red hues. They are especially noted for the...

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Scientific Classification Scientific Name: Copadichromis borleyi Common Names: Kadango Peacock Cichlid, Red Kadango, Red Fin Borleyi, Malawi Red Fin Family: Cichlidae Origin: Lake Malawi, East Africa Physical Description Color: Male Kadango Cichlids are known for their striking red coloration, especially in the fins and lower...

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Scientific Classification Scientific Name: Aulonocara sp. OB Common Names: OB Peacock Cichlid, Orange Blotch Peacock, OB Aulonocara Family: Cichlidae Origin: Lake Malawi (though the OB variety is the result of captive hybridization) Physical Description Color: OB Peacocks are known for their random blotched patterns. The...

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