
Overview Scientific Name: Corydoras aeneus Common Names: Bronze Corydoras, Bronze Catfish, Green Corydoras Family: Callichthyidae Origin: South America, particularly found in rivers and floodplains in Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, and Argentina. Physical Characteristics Size: Bronze Corys typically grow to around 2.5 to 3 inches (6-7.5...

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1. Physical Characteristics Coloration: The Buenos Aires Tetra has a silver body with a slight sheen and distinctive black markings, including a black line along the lateral line and a dark spot at the base of the tail. Males often display more vivid colors, particularly...

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Overview Scientific Name: Microglanis iheringi Common Names: Bumblebee Catfish, Bumblebee Pleco, Bumblebee Catfish Pleco Family: Pimelodidae Origin: Native to the rivers of South America, primarily found in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. Physical Characteristics Size: Bumblebee Catfish typically grow to about 6 to 8 inches (15...

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Overview Common Name: Butterfly Koi, Dragon Carp Scientific Name: Cyprinus rubrofuscus (long-finned variety) Family: Cyprinidae Origin: Originally bred in Japan, Butterfly Koi are a hybrid of traditional koi and long-finned carp species found in Southeast Asia. They are also popular in other regions like the...

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Scientific Classification Scientific Name: Betta splendens Common Names: Cambodian Betta, Cambodian Fighting Fish Family: Osphronemidae Origin: Native to Southeast Asia, including Thailand and Cambodia. Physical Description Coloration: Cambodian Bettas are characterized by their unique color pattern. They typically have a pale, almost translucent body, often...

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1. Physical Characteristics Coloration: The Candy Cane Tetra has a translucent body with striking red or orange markings, particularly on the dorsal, anal, and tail fins. The body often has a pinkish hue, giving it a vibrant appearance. Size: They typically grow to about 2-3...

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1. Physical Characteristics Coloration: Cardinal Tetras are renowned for their striking colors, featuring a brilliant blue body with a bright red stripe running from the middle of the body to the base of the tail. Tank-raised specimens often exhibit even more vivid colors due to...

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Appearance: Size: Super Red Cherry Shrimp grow to around 1-1.5 inches (2.5-3.8 cm) in length. Coloration: The "Super Red" variant is the result of selective breeding and boasts an incredibly vibrant, solid red coloration across the entire body, with minimal to no transparent areas. The...

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Appearance: Size: Chocolate Shrimp grow to about 1-1.5 inches (2.5-3.8 cm) in length. Coloration: Their defining feature is a smooth, dark brown to almost black color, which can vary slightly in shade depending on the individual shrimp and environmental conditions. Higher-grade Chocolate Shrimp will have...

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Overview Scientific Name: Chromobotia macracanthus Common Names: Clown Loach, Tiger Loach Family: Cobitidae Origin: Native to the rivers and streams of Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Borneo. Physical Description Coloration: Clown Loaches have a bright orange to yellow body with distinct black bands...

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Scientific Name Panaqolus maccus Common Names Clown Pleco Ringlet Pleco L104 (L-number designation) Physical Appearance Size: Typically 3.5–4 inches (9–10 cm) at full maturity. Coloration: Dark brown to black body with bold, irregular yellow or tan stripes. Stripes may vary in pattern and intensity depending...

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Overview Scientific Name: Trichogaster lalius (formerly Colisa lalia) Common Names: Cobalt Blue Dwarf Gourami, Blue Dwarf Gourami Type: A selectively bred color morph of the Dwarf Gourami, known for its striking iridescent blue color. Appearance Body Color: The Cobalt Blue Dwarf Gourami has an intense...

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1. Physical Characteristics Coloration: The Congo Tetra is known for its striking iridescent colors, which can include shades of blue, green, and yellow, especially in males. They have a prominent silver body with a dark stripe running from the eye to the base of the...

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Overview Scientific Name: Corydoras metae Common Names: Bandit Corydoras, Masked Corydoras, Meta Cory Family: Callichthyidae Origin: Native to Colombia, primarily found in the Meta River basin, from which its name is derived. Physical Characteristics Size: Typically grows to 2 to 2.5 inches (5-6.5 cm) in...

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. Taxonomy and Species Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Malacostraca Order: Decapoda Family: Cambaridae, Astacidae, Parastacidae Common Species: Procambarus clarkii (Red Swamp Crayfish): Native to the southeastern U.S., this species is highly invasive in other regions. Orconectes rusticus (Rusty Crayfish): Native to the Ohio River...

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Appearance: Body Coloration: The Creamsicle Gold Nugget Molly features a stunning mix of creamy white and golden-orange hues, often with speckles or a "nugget" pattern that gives the fish its name. The head and belly are usually a soft cream color, while the back and...

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